Which forms do you need to fill out? Where can you get them? Here is a list of useful forms for homeschooling in Iowa.
Useful Forms for Iowa Homeschoolers
Report of Portfolio Assessment Results Form
This optional form is offered to make the portfolio evaluator's job much easier.
It provides an efficient tool to assure that all of the required information is included in
the portfolio evaluation results report.
Privacy Form for Non-Enrolled Student
These option forms are recommended to protect your family's privacy.
They inform school officials that you want protections afforded by federal and state laws.
The form for non-enrolled students notifies school officials of that information about your child --
including directory information -- is confidential information protected by Iowa Code.
Failure to have one of these forms on file with the district and the AEA (where your CPI forms are filed)
can leave your child's information open to anyone who requests it.
Independent Private Instruction Form
This form may be used by parents using the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option when contacted by either their resident school district superintendent or by the director of the Department of Education with a request for information about the IPI. Because parents are required by law to respond to this written request with specific information, NICHE has created this template form to expediate the process.
Certificate of Immunization Exemption
This document must be filed with your CPI form if you intend to use the exemption for immunizations. Those using IPI or CPI Option 2 with Opt-Out do not need to file immunization records.
Privacy Form for Dual-Enrolled or HSAP-Enrolled Student
These option forms are recommended to protect your family's privacy.
They inform school officials that you want protections afforded by federal and state laws.
The form for dual-enrolled or HSAP-enrolled Students notifies school officials
that you are claiming federally mandated privacy protections,
and that you do not want any information concerning your enrolled child --
including directory information -- to be released to anyone without your prior consent.
CPI Student Eligibility Form
The Iowa Department of Education created this form for parents of CPI students to use when certifying that their students meet eligibility requirements set by state associations for participation in actvities accessed through dual enrollment.
Plan of Instruction Form-Lined
This "Plan of Instruction" form has been designed by HSLDA and NICHE. Plan of Instruction forms -- lined or unlined -- may be used to comply with the requirement on the Competent Private Instruction Form (Form A) for an attached outline of course of study.
Please keep in mind that the Iowa law & rules are silent as to what subjects must be included on the Plan of Instruction. NICHE "Plan of Instruction" forms have been used and submitted by home educators all across Iowa, and have been accepted by school districts statewide. Choose the form style that works best with the curriculum you are using. If you use separate materials for each subject area, you will probably choose the lined form.
Contract for Home School Consultation
This optional contract is provided to help define and delineate the rights and responsibilities of both parties in a homeschool consultation arrangement: the parents and the teacher. Attorneys with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) assisted in its production.
Necessary and Optional Forms and Resources
NICHE provides a wide variety of free materials that may be used by home educating families in Iowa.
Home School Supervising Teacher Visitation Log
This optional easy-to-use form is offered to help supervising teachers keep the required log of their visits with homeschooling families.
Contract for Home School Portfolio Evaluation
This optional contract is provided to help define and delineate the rights and responsibilities of both parties in a homeschool portfolio evaluation arrangement: the parents and the teacher. Produce with assistance by HSLDA.
Report of Portfolio Evaluator Selection Form
If you will be using the portfolio evaluation method, you may find this simple optional form helpful.
When filled out and submitted to your resident school district, it provides a mechanism to fulfill
the legal requirement of seeking the school district superintendent's approval of your selected
portfolio evaluator. This approval process is simply a check of the appropriateness of your
evaluator's license.
Receipt for CPI Form Filing
This form may be used by a parent using the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option when filing an IPI Response Form. A signature of the school distirct official receiving the form is obtained, and the parent can retain this receipt with homeschool records.
Optional Report Form for CPI Option 2 with Opt-Out (no reporting required)
This report form can be used by parents who are providing private instruction under the CPI Option 2 with Opt-Out.
While all reporting is optional under this option, parents can file this form to notify their resident school district officials that they are providing private instruction to students of compulsory school attendance age.
How to File a Competent Private Instruction [CPI] Form A
Step-by-step instructions on how to complete & file a CPI Report Form.
Competent Private Instruction Report
The Competent Private Instruction Report is also published annually by the Department of Education.
All homeschooling parents in Iowa using the Competent Private Instruction (CPI) Option 1 or Competent Private Instruction (CPI) Option 2 with Opt-In must file a Competent Private Instruction Report for every child of compulsory school attendance age (6-16) -- if your chid is age six or older on September 15 and younger than 16 on September 15.
Private Instruction Handbook: Home Schooling or Enrollment in a Non-Accredited "School"
This Department of Education publication is published annually to provide information
for parents and school district officials on private instruction, including Competent Private Instruction (CPI) and Independent Private Instruction (IPI).
Plan of Instruction Form-Unlined
This "Plan of Instruction" form has been designed by HSLDA and NICHE. Plan of Instruction forms -- lined or unlined -- may be used to comply with the requirement on the Competent Private Instruction Form (Form A) for an attached outline of course of study.
Please keep in mind that the Iowa law & rules are silent as to what subjects must be included on the Plan of Instruction. NICHE "Plan of Instruction" forms have been used and submitted by home educators all across Iowa, and have been accepted by school districts statewide. Choose the form style that works best with the curriculum you are using. If you utilize a unit study approach, the unlined form will probably be your choice.
Test Administrator Certification Statement Form
If you choose to arrange for private -- rather than public school or AEA -- standardized testing
for annual assessment purposes, this form may be attached to the submitted test results
to provide added assurance that the standardized test was administered by
a qualified test administrator using proper testing protocol as dictated by the test publisher.
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